Imagining a Better Future by Re-imagining the Past

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Some in the Dieselpunk community have called Electro-Swing the music of Dieselpunk. I think that goes a little far because it ignores other styles of Dieselpunk music such as the Swing-Punk styles of musician Wolfgang Parker as well as the band Casino Slut Bar not to mention the Symphonic Metal-Swing of Diablo Swing Orchestra. That being said, Electro-Swing is a very important part of the Dieselpunk music scene.

As the name implies, Electro-Swing fuses the Diesel Era swing music style, which has a strong brass and woodwind instruments played with a medium to fast tempos and a "lilting" swing time rhythm with modern forms of electronica dance music.

An example of an excellent collection of Electro-Swing are the CD’s "White Mink: Black Cotton 'Electro Swing versus Speakeasy Jazz'" Vol. 1 (2009) and Vol. 2 (2010), which were released by Freshly Squeezed Music, which is one of the leading Electro-Swing production company's.

Several Electro-Swing bands have gained recognition. One popular band is Tape Five, which is German though their members are from around the world. They have a new CD scheduled for release September 21, 2012 titled, “Swing Patrol.”


Another is Caravan Palace from Paris, France. Their most recent CD was “Panic,” which was released March 12, 2012.

Most recently, the band Good Co released a new CD titled “Electro Swing for the Masses,” which includes many of the members from the Steampunk band Abney Park. You can read an interview with Carey Rayburn of Good Co at

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